The EasyTrak Promise

EasyTrak Solutions is now part of the ONTRAC Telematics Corp fleet management solutions. Email: sales@ontracsystems | Tel: 246- 427-3997, for more information or to get a quote.

Transform your business and unlock savings with GPS tracking and Fleet Management. Get both with EasyTrak Solutions and experience GPS Tracking Reimagined.


EasyTrak is a Barbadian-based transit solutions technology company that builds software solutions for small to enterprise delivery operations. We focus on solving critical transportation problems in Barbados and the Caribbean. Our team puts you in the driver’s seat to propel your business. Call us today and let us help you take your business to the next level, drive down cost, improve savings and security and boost your productivity.
EasyTrak Solutions leverages GPS, mobile data, and internet technologies to empower businesses to unlock their potential. We offer companies innovative fleet management solutions tailored to their business needs right now! Providing real-time information on the status and driving behaviours of vehicles, online portals and apps; that enable monitoring, accurate assessment and manage vehicle and driving risk. We don’t just track vehicles, our superior data analysis, business insights and tools open a world of reporting and data analysis to administrators, fleet managers and vehicle owners.
The EasyTrak team puts you in the driver’s seat, call us today and let us take your company to the next level and gear up your business!
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Kilometers Tracked
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Happy Clients
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Years of Experience
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Meet The Team

Khalil Bryan

Co-Founder & Business Development Lead

Veronica Millington

Marketing Lead
With rising operational cost and concerns of safety and security, businesses like yours must continue to innovate. EasyTrak Solutions offers you the opportunity to understand and manage your fleet effectively. Manage driver teams, fleet costs and business opportunities to drive significant value to you and your customers. Our system can be used on a range of vehicle types and assets; from equipment to buses, rental cars and other fleets.
EasyTrak’s GPS units and platforms leverage world class technology to empower owners and administrators. Equipping you with the tools to improve efficiency, effectiveness and responsiveness to your customers; driving savings to your operation.
Some of the key sectors we support:

Insurance Companies

Fleet Owners

Bus & Transit Owners

Dispatch (Delivery)


Freighting & Trucking

See which solution fits your needs

EasyTrak’s end-to-end solutions are tailored to meet your business needs at the stage it’s in. We listen to our clients and that’s why we crafted an easy-to-use process just for you.