Technology Must Haves for Modern Business

Technology…. It is the engine that is integral to most things around us in today’s modern world –  It pumps our water, controls our electricity and connects us to each other. The internet is at the core of many of our lives and workplaces and it’s a big blue sea of opportunity for entrepreneurs. (Clear waters of Opportunity for Caribbean Entrepreneurs)

For Caribbean Transit Solutions (CTS), technology enables us to offer Innovative Location Based solutions, products and services not available before in our markets to insurance companies and fleet managers. We created products like EasyTrak (a fleet management and tracking platform) and the BeepBus app, which provides basic bus information, allows users to search bus routes and plan bus trips across the island.

With an upcoming release in the works, CTS is beta testing the newest version of BeepBus. For the first time in Barbados, not only can users search by bus route and get estimated arrival times, but they can now watch the bus approach them on the map along these pilot routes.

Vision 2025 & Beyond

Ultimately, we want CTS to be catalysts for the vision we see for Barbados in 15-20 years, enabling seamless transit throughout the region – with no barriers. Imagine, a CARICOM ID/ Virtual Passport. What about an air or seacraft for personal or business travel allowing us to move goods easily between islands. Where living and working somewhere different is the way of life because transit and communication are just soo incredibly easy, so why wouldn’t you want this to be our norm?

A million different tools, applications and platforms exist which enable entrepreneurs to be the most efficient we have ever been in history and these will be the tools to propel us forward.

So Here Are Our Top 5 Must Haves:

  • Google Suite – Live it, Learn it, Exploit it!

The Google suite of services allows small business owners and entrepreneurs to present the best business face to prospective clients. Customise your email address and work remotely with your team to manage your business, Google docs are a lifesaver for sharing and working simultaneously with teams and Google Meet is a great alternative to Skype with seamless calling, screen share and presentation features!

  • Asana, Monday, Trello- Project/ Task Managers’ Dream

These tools allow your team to easily share and save company information, manage progress of projects and tasks and so much more. It keeps all your ideas in a central place allowing you to quickly and easily share them. More importantly it helps to minimise the email traffic and focus on getting the work done! Many of these platforms integrate with easy-to-use automation tools like Zapier, to reduce your repetitive work e.g. automate emails to customers based on triggers or hundreds of other items.

  • Udemy, LinkedIn Learning (formerly Lynda), Google Training Courses

Technology, like business trends and markets are constantly changing. We therefore need to continuously learn to stay ahead of the curve. The degree you got 5 years ago is obsolete and the course you did at school is too! The knowledge you gained at your job years ago doesn’t apply in the same way. Use online training tools to keep learning and growing your business.

  • Content Creation Tools – Fiverr, Snappa, Canva, Giphy, Wideo

There are a ton of online tools start-ups and cash strapped businesses can use to get real ‘bang for your buck’. Maybe you don’t have $1000 to spend on this animated ad, but you may have $200; so why not use another entrepreneur on Fiverr, or similar platforms for your next ad or graphic. Don’t have any budget, try ‘Wideo’, Giphy or, they’re great for creating social media graphics.

  • Buffer, Infobip, Plivo, Twilio

Communicating with the public is key and social media is here to stay.

Buffer is an excellent tool to manage multiple social media channels simultaneously, schedule future posts and easily manage your platforms. Other tools like Twilio, Infobip, Plivo, etc enable companies to inexpensively connect with clients via email, sms, whatsapp and other.

Whatever your industry, many of us are searching for the tools to make doing work easier and there are hundreds of companies whose business is just that! We’re glad we can share some of our favourites with you. Drop us a line and let us know what tools you’re using.